Protect your Mental Health

Ways to improve your daily wellbeing include:

  • Give
  • Keep learning
  • Connect
  • Be active
  • Take notice

Five steps to positive mental health

Protect your Mental Health

Five steps to improving your mental health

Connect – Feeling close to, and valued by, other people is a fundamental human need and one that contributes to wellbeing. Talk to someone instead of sending a message on Facebook or Snap Chat. Put five minutes aside to find out how someone is really feeling.
Be active – Taking regular exercise and physical activity reduces depression and anxiety. Take the stairs not the lift or escalator. Go for a walk, jog or run.
Take notice – Enjoying and savouring the moment enhances your wellbeing. Have a “clear the clutter” day. Be sensitive and aware of the people around you.
Keep learning – Learning enhances your self-esteem, encourages social interaction, and promotes higher levels of wellbeing. Consider setting yourself a new challenge. Discover a new interest or hobby.
Give – Acts of kindness increase happiness and wellbeing. Give an hour of your time to a voluntary organisation. Do a good deed for someone.

For Further Information

Protect your Mental Health

Ways to improve your daily wellbeing include:

Protect your Mental Health

Five steps to improving your mental health

Connect – Feeling close to, and valued by, other people is a fundamental human need and one that contributes to wellbeing. Talk to someone instead of sending a message on Facebook or Snap Chat. Put five minutes aside to find out how someone is really feeling.
Be active – Taking regular exercise and physical activity reduces depression and anxiety. Take the stairs not the lift or escalator. Go for a walk, jog or run.
Take notice – Enjoying and savouring the moment enhances your wellbeing. Have a “clear the clutter” day. Be sensitive and aware of the people around you.
Keep learning – Learning enhances your self-esteem, encourages social interaction, and promotes higher levels of wellbeing. Consider setting yourself a new challenge. Discover a new interest or hobby.
Give – Acts of kindness increase happiness and wellbeing. Give an hour of your time to a voluntary organisation. Do a good deed for someone.

For Further Information